
While updating older windows with the latest updates, many users are experiencing the system error code 0x80240031. Therefore, this error code commonly occurs with the Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 updates, but some Windows 10 users are also reporting the same error code. This error code 0x80240031 appears with the error code which says; “Problems were installing some updates, but we’ll try again later.” 


However, this error code 0x80240031 might be irritating and frustrating for many users as anyone doesn’t know the authentic cause of this error. Some users who don’t have any technical knowledge might jam in the never finishing error messages. To keep it our mind we will decide to provide you with an effective solution which will help you in troubleshooting the error code 0x80240031 easily. The steps are discussed below.

Steps to Fix Error Code 0x80240031 on Windows 10

Generally, the Windows 10 error code 0x80240031 is associated with the glitches such as corrupted Windows update files, damage file registry or at times issues with the system files. It simply indicates that anywhere besides with the update installation process, the software has been damaged or corrupted and because of this it cannot be installed properly on your system. Moreover, to easily fix this issue using these given steps in proper series to evade damages and also removes all unwanted errors from your system. Here how to easily fix it:

Fix-1: Restart Windows Computer

Probably, it might be a reason that any tricky system files or programs are snooping with the Windows updates.  For shutting down these programs, users will have to reboot the Windows in the Clean Boot mode only to troubleshoot the error message. Here how to do it:

  1. click on the ‘Start’ icon to open the start menu.
  2. Under the ‘Start’ search box, type the ‘msconfig’ option.
  3. Now, inside the search options page, choose and click on the ‘System Configuration’ option.
  4. After that, a ‘System Configuration’ dialogue box will appear on your screen, under it, progress to the ‘Services’ button.
  5. Then, choose ‘Hide all Microsoft Services’ option.
  6. Next, press the ‘Disable all’ option to disable all the services you want to disable it.
  7. Again, under the ‘System Configuration’ page, move to the ‘Startup’ button and hit the ‘Open Task Manager’ tab.
  8. Now, you have to turn off all startup items available in the list of the ‘Task Manager.’
  9. Close and exit the Task Manager page and press the OK tab to complete the process successfully.
  10. Lastly, reboot your computer system to save all the changes.

Fix-2: Turn Off Windows Update

  1. Hit the keys Windows+ R simultaneously on the keyboard to launch the ‘Run’ search box.
  2. Inside the ‘Run’ search box, copy and paste the following ‘services.msc’.
  3. Hit the Enter key to go to the next step.
  4. Now, look for the ‘Windows Update’ option and double-click on the Windows Update option to open it.
  5. After that, a drop-down menu list will appear on the screen, select ‘Disabled’ option.
  6. Then, restart your system to save the changes.
  7. Again, click on the Windows+ X keys together at the same time.
  8. Then, select the ‘File Explorer’ option.
  9. Enter the following commands in the search address bar:
  10. C:\\Windows\\SoftwareDistribution 
  11. Now, click the Ctrl + A altogether on the keyboard.
  12. Press the right side cursor of your mouse on the selected files and choose the ‘Delete’ tab.
  13. Here you have to repeat step 1 and Step 2 to continue the process.
  14. Once the drop-down menu appears on your screen, choose ‘Manual’ option.
  15. Lastly, hit the ‘Start’ tab followed by ‘OK’ tab to complete the process.

Finally, restart your computer system to save all the changes.

Ethan Grey is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Samuel has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as

Source - Windows 10


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